Giving Hope is a committed partner of Thrive and supports the youth in our Community Center, funds our sports leagues, and sponsors our facility. Because of their partnership, Thrive’s Ninth Ward community center has excellent facilities, equipment, programs, and leaders.


Each year, Giving Hope hosts a fundraising luncheon at our Community Center on Desire Parkway in the Ninth Ward. These funds directly support the programming that engages and mentors our youth.


The event will have special guest speakers, amazing auction items, and some of the best bbq you have ever had. You won’t want to miss!

Please join the luncheon Friday, June 2, 2023: Purchase a ticket, sponsor a table, register for the auction, and please invite others to join.

Stories of a Thriving New Orleans

Thrive and Giving Hope to hold Turkey Giveaway

Thrive New Orleans and Giving Hope are happy to team with The New Orleans City Council and Cash Money Records to host a Turkey Giveaway on Wednesday, November 20 at 10:00am CT at The Giving Hope Community Center (3600 Desire Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70126). For more...

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Thrive New Orleans at NOEW 2024

Co-hosted by Thrive New Orleans as part of New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW) A special Climate Resilience: Our Future Depends On It panel will take place where a panel of local and national leaders convene to speak on successfully coping with and managing the...

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