Thrive Works Green Cohort Graduation

Thrive Works Green Cohort Graduation

On May  31, 2023, the latest cohorts of Thrive Works Green and Green Business Academy participated in a graduation ceremony    This graduation ceremony commemorated the completion of our 8-week green jobs training program. It’s meaningful to these graduates...
Thrive Works Green Cohort Graduation

Thrive Works Green Cohort Graduation

On February 1, 2023, the latest cohort of Thrive Works Green participated in a graduation ceremony at our T9 Community Center.   This graduation ceremony commemorated the completion of our 8-week green jobs training program. It’s meaningful to these...
Krewe of Thrive keeps catch basins clean

Krewe of Thrive keeps catch basins clean

Mardi Gras is a fun and important tradition in our city, but the clean up is equally important. Parade goers leave more than 1,000 tons of trash on New Orleans’ streets and sidewalks. That’s more than 2 million pounds of beads, cups, food containers,...

Charles Aponza, NOLA Environmental Entrepreneurs: Where are they now?

Written by Charles Aponza is another one of our New Orleans neighbors who worries about the local impact of increasingly severe hurricane seasons, rainfall, and the local impact of global climate change. “Hurricanes are continuing to come. They’re not going away. So...